4 Self-care Tips For Everyone Recently the United Nations observed the International Day of Happiness. It was established by the United Nations General Assembly on 28 June 2012. The International Day of Happiness aims to make people worldwide realise the importance of happiness within their lives. With our world facing unprecedented challenges, well-being matters more than ever. The Day of Happiness reminds us that happiness is something that starts with us. Our thoughts and actions matter and when we maintain our own well-being, we are better positioned to impact the well-being of others positively. No matter who you are, there are several ways you can do to maintain your own well-being. To help you get started, we've put together four self-care tips everyone can do. 4 Self-care Tips Everyone Can Do 1. Remember - It's ok not to be ok. Many people struggle through a range of emotions daily. We all do from time to time. Sometimes you may be confronted with an unexpected challenge or hurdle and you might find yourself stressed, worried, and unsure of what to do. And some days, you don't have anything; no motivation, no creativity and no capacity to respond. You need to know that it's ok not to be ok in these moments. You have the right to change your mind, take a pause, or leave an uncomfortable situation. It's pointless to blame yourself for any of those things. It's just as pointless to feel bad about feeling bad. We should all be allowed to fall apart from time to time, so we rediscover ourselves. 2. Despite how we may feel, you are not alone. We are not expected to handle everything that life throws at us by ourselves. We won't always be able to and attempting to do so can make things worse or result in unhealthy repercussions. There is no doubt that it can be difficult, but when we're facing tough times, vulnerability is our friend. Telling a trusted friend or qualified counsellor how we feel can take a load off our minds and provide us with the headspace to cope with the emotions associated with our circumstances. However, there are times when we don't have someone to speak with. In these instances, it can be helpful to reach out to one of the free helplines, such as Lifeline. Contact Lifeline 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 13 11 14 or via text on 0477 13 11 14. 3. Go back to the basics. Mental health refers to dealing with emotions or stress and our general attitude toward life. There are numerous advantages to having a healthy sense of mental well-being. It improves your mood, increases your resilience in challenging situations, and allows you to make the most of your existence. You deserve the best possible you! This can include taking a few moments for yourself each day, staying physically active, maintaining a balanced diet and staying connected to family and friends. Making a start can be difficult. That's why there's a collection of easy, everyday mental well-being activities you can try right now at the Queensland Government "Dear Mind" Website. Select your favourites to create a personalised plan for improving your mental well-being. 4. Get professional help. Deciding to seek assistance might be difficult. You could be hesitant to get help or think that your mental health isn't 'poor enough' to warrant seeking help from a professional. When it comes to mental health, however, there is no such thing as a bad time to seek expert treatment. Don't wait to see if things get worse before seeking care. Early treatment minimises the length and severity of mental health difficulties. Because everyone deals with mental health difficulties differently, there is a range of signals to look for while deciding whether or not to seek help. It might range from a nagging feeling that something isn't quite right to drastic physical, mental, or behavioural changes and reactions. In general, we should seek mental health help if you: For several weeks or more, we feel worried, sad, down, furious, nervous, depressed, numb, or 'not ourselves,' and/or our feelings are harming our ability to manage at work, school, or in our relationships. When we feel this way, our regular General Practitioner (or GP) is the first point of contact for help with mental health issues. They can provide care and support for our concerns and help us access a range of commissioned mental health and suicide prevention services. They can also work with you to create a personalised mental health care plan. Even though it's natural to feel sad or anxious occasionally, small changes in our thinking and behaviour will help us maintain our mental well-being. Improved mental well-being is one of the keys to living a happier, healthier life. We can all take control of our mental health and create a greater sense of happiness. Remember, our happiness starts with us and we can do something about it. If you need help finding support you can contact our team during business hours on 1300 991 443 or click here. Manage Cookie Preferences