We provide a safe space for children of separated parents to maintain a relationship with their non-residential parent through a series of supervised and monitored visits. Our focus is on the child’s need to have meaningful interaction with their other parent and will only begin / continue while the child is willing.

Contact Visits can be conducted face-to-face, when family members live within travelling distance, or on-line when one parent lives a significant distance away.  This can be with one party online, or with both parties online, and provides support for families who are geographically isolated or are experiencing safety concerns. All Contact Visits, whether face to face or online, are monitored and documented throughout.

We work toward creating a schedule of regular meeting times to suit the routine of each individual family group.  We have separate carparks and entrances, so parents do not have contact with each other.

We also support families by providing safe Change Over Visits when a child is transferring from one home to the other for approved school holiday or weekend visits.

Growing Connections accepts referrals from individuals (self-referrals), Counselling Programs, Queensland Police Service, Family Mediators and Family Court (court orders).

For further information please call 1300 991 443.

This program is funded by the Commonwealth Attorney General's Department 

Service offered in Cunnamulla and Charleville

Outreach services can be provided to Morven, Wyandra, Augathella, Quilpie and Tambo.